- /AboutDEP/Testimony/2020/

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2/2/2020 12:30 PM 179629 2020.02.03_JLCC_Waste_Coal_Hearing_DEP_Testimony.pdf
6/15/2020 4:52 PM 169402 6.15 PA Department of Environmental Protection Comment_ Docket No. EL20-42-000.pdf
3/9/2020 4:04 PM 141416 Commonwealth_of_PA_Comments_on_NEPA_Regulation.pdf
3/4/2020 11:16 AM 134264 DEP FY2020-21 Senate Appropriations Budget Hearing Testimony.pdf
4/29/2020 8:04 AM 200789 DEP_Comments_on_Act_129_Phase_IV_Order.pdf
2/21/2020 5:46 PM 134121 DEP_FY2020-21_Budget_Testimony.pdf
5/11/2020 6:03 PM 348461 PA DEP Comments on EPA-Guidance regarding Begin Actual Construction.pdf
2/20/2020 5:53 PM 193478 PA_DEP_Comments_on_CTI_ANPR.pdf
2/10/2020 9:04 PM 153048 PADEP Comments to EPA EtO ANRPM.pdf
4/28/2020 7:42 AM 174625 PADEP_comments_on_EPA-HQ-OECA-2019-0408.pdf
11/16/2020 12:24 PM 208093 Pennsylvania_DEP_COE-2020-0002.PDF
2/12/2020 6:40 PM 345208 Pennsylvania_DEP_LCRR_Comment_Letter_20200212.pdf